SKS Microfinace の株式公開
違法伐採と貧困: カメルーンの事例から
アフリカ研究調査概況2: D. Light Design社 (ダルエスサラーム・タンザニア)
"Q: How do you balance the tradeoff between profitability and impact?
A: Impact and profitability are linked. The harder thing to get hold of actually is profitability versus time. Even the giant companies when they start up new divisions or go into new markets are usually not profitable for a while. Clearly we have to be profitable and clearly we have to come up with models that do not require us to sacrifice profitability in the name of impact; otherwise we are not going to do our job. The whole notion of creating a for-profit, venture-funded organization rather than an NGO (non-governmental organization) or more social-sector group was that the scale of the problem is measured in billions. If we want to grow to that scale, we have to do it backed by massive amounts of capital that can fund the inventory, fund the growth, and fund the new offices. I do not really see it as too much of a tradeoff, to be honest. We can affect a lot of lives as an NGO, but if we want to affect a billion people’s lives, it has to be done with a different set of models.”
35ドルパソコンby インド人的資源開発省
アフリカ研究調査概況1:パナソニック エナジー タンザニア